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5 Signs You’re Ready for Book Editing
Congratulations on finishing a draft! Now, you know eventually you’ll need to hire an editor, but when will your book be ready for that next step? You’ll always find more things in your book to change, adjust, or fix, but how can you know when it’s time to hand it off to a professional? Here are 5 signs to help you know when you’re ready for book editing.
Action Beats
Action beats are a replacement for dialogue tags to show the action the character takes during or after speaking.
Point of View
Point of view is the perspective from which the story is being told. Your choice of point of view can really change your story, so it’s important to make an educated decision. (This post isn’t going to go deep into all the points of view—because there are a lot—I’ll just touch on the top four most popular and most general.)
Purple Prose
Overwriting often happens with amateur writers. New writers think they need to explain everything to the reader for them to understand. This means there’s lots of meaningless description without much progression of the story. The reader is pulled out of the story and gets bored! So, let’s learn how not to do that!
Fiction Writing Exercises and Prompts for Writers
Writing exercises are a good way to practice without too much commitment to a story. The point is to write, as most of the time, the pressure is on how to start. Exercises like this can make you feel less overwhelmed and help you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard).
Gendered Language: Tips for Inclusive Writing
It’s very rare that someone intentionally goes out to exclude someone through their writing, and most people don’t mean to throw in sexist stereotypes when they’re writing a book. And yet it happens every day. . . . Why is this? And more importantly, what can we do about it?