Guest Posting for Catt Editing Blog


You must be an expert in the topic you are writing about. Do not choose a topic you do not have direct experience in and trustworthy information about.

Content must be unique and cannot be reposted elsewhere or plagiarized.

Length: Keep it between 400 and 1000 words. It’s a broad range, I know. But don’t include extra fluff just to meet a word count. Just write what you need to write as concisely as possible.

Use headings to break up the content and make it easily navigable.

Feel free to use helpful links throughout the blog post.

Use keywords throughout the blog post to increase SEO and search-ability.

Include a headshot or logo photo (if you’d like) and an author bio of 1-3 sentences to be included at the end of the post. You can include 1-2 links in this bio to your website, blog, social media, etc.

Include a photo to be used as a thumbnail and social sharing (if you want). If you do not have a photo, I will provide one.

Topics to write about:

I will not accept topics that have already been written about on my blog. Each post must be unique and helpful to my audience: self-publishing authors of all genres.

Brainstorm a topic for your post based on these ideas:

  • Self-publishing process

  • Writing

  • Editing

  • Anything about books

  • Book industry/ book marketing

  • Cover design/book design

  • Beta reading and critiquing

  • Life of an author

How does it work?

Fill out the contact form below to submit a request to guest blog for me. I will respond by email to answer any questions you have, approve or adjust your topic, and discuss a deadline for submitting the finished blog post.

I will edit the document when I receive it, but please try to make it the best you can before sending it to me. I may change titles and headings to suit the audience better, but your content and voice will remain intact. For your reference, I use CMOS and M-W dictionary.