Catt Editing

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What Does Catt Editing, LLC “Team” Mean?

You may have noticed some changes in the language on my website, on social media, and in my emails. I’ve moved from a “me” to a “we.” Which is great news! (Not just for me—or we.)

This is good news for you too. Now, you may be concerned you and your book won’t get the time, attention, or expertise you got before when it was just me, so let me tell you how you’re getting more time, attention, and expertise now.


Who is on the team?

I have several editors on my team now whom I have vetted and worked with previously to make sure they match my editing style. This means they really know their stuff, but not only that, I make sure their style matches mine and their edits sound like me. (Not to trick you but so there’s consistency.) One of my biggest values is keeping the author’s voice intact, so I made sure everyone on my team feels as strongly as I do about this.

I know their strengths and interests, so I will only have someone on my team edit your book if they are strong in that area and can serve you well. This means you’re getting someone who really matches your project, maybe even better than I do.

If you want to check out the team and request someone specifically, check out this page!


Why the change?

With more editors on team, I can fill up not only my schedule but all of theirs too. This means I can serve so many more of you! Plus (and this is huge), my availability won’t be several months out anymore. So to all you writers who forgot to contact an editor until they’re ready to start editing now: Not to worry! We’ll get you on the calendar right away!


What changes for you, the author?

Nothing. You probably won’t notice a difference (other than the sooner availability). You will still only be contacting me. If you’re really paying attention, you might see more than one name commenting on your Word document. Now you’ll have “Carly Catt” (that’s me) and “Catt Editing Team” or something like that to signify the other person (only one other person at a time, not the entire team). Other than that, it’s all the same for you.


“But I want you to edit my book.”

I will still be editing books, so there’s a good chance I will be the one actually editing yours. But even if someone on my team does the majority of the work, I will be reviewing their work every single time before it goes to you. I may not have written that comment myself, but I did read it to make sure I agree before you ever see it.

When I get the book back from my team, I go through their work and review it all to ensure it’s up to Catt Editing, LLC quality—and that it keeps your unique author voice. Even better, this means you’re getting more than one person’s opinion on the book (me + editor on my team) when before it was just me.

You can see all the editors and even request someone specific to edit your book! Check out the team here!


One Last Plus

Another great thing about adding to my team is that you can have all editing and proofreading done at the same place while only talking to one contact (me). You may remember me saying this earlier (on this blog post) or maybe you already knew this, but the editor of a book should not be the proofreader too. The point of a proofreader is to check the editor’s work, which means it should be a different person. Previously, I could do editing or proofreading but not both on your book. Now, I can do the editing, then have someone on my team do the proofreading, and you only have to work with one contract, one business, and one email address (me). So much easier!

There’s nothing to worry about when I start saying “we.” This is all good news for you and your book: you’ll be served better without really noticing a difference at all.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me.

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